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National Projects (FCT Funded)

Project RIZOSFERA (POCTI/CTA/48386/2002) “Rhizosphere biogeochemistry and its relevance for toxicity endpoints and phytoremediation”

Project MECTIS (POCI/MAR/58548/2004) “Metal Cycling and Sediment Dynamics in Tagus Estuary; Influence of Salt Marsh Plants and Fishes“

Project INTAGUS (PDCT/MAR/58022/2004) “Integrated physical and biological study of the Tagus Estuary and adjacent coastal ocean“.

Project ECOSAM (PTDC/AAC-CLI/104085/2008) “Effects of Carbon Dioxide increase on Salt Marshes”.

Project MORFEED (PTDC/AAC-AMB/100092/2008) “Morphodynamic feedback of estuarine margins to climate change”.

Project LTER-RAVE (LTER/BIA-BEC/0063/2009) “Long term monitoring in the Ria de Aveiro: towards a deeper understanding of ecological, environmental and economic processes”.
Project 3M_RECITAL (LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009) “MINHO, MONDEGO, AND MIRA ESTUARIES observatory: Long term vaRiation of ECOLOGICAL sTAtus as a response to naturaL and human induced changes. implications for management and restoration”.

National Projects (Industry/Applied Science)

VALORSUL, S.A. “Monitoring program of the terrestrial and estuarine environment surrounding Lisbon solid waste treatment plant”.

Parque EXPO/Lisbon City Hall “Biological monitoring of the EXPO’98 intervention area”.

SIMARSUL “Phyto-sociological characterization of the salt marshes surrounding a waste water treatment plant”.
Seixal City Hall “Monitoring and Valorisation of the Seixal Bay”.

Project EEMA "Assessment of the Ecological State of Coastal and Transitional Water Bodies and of the Ecological Potential of Highly Modified Water Bodies – Phytoplankton and Macroalgae/Angiosperms Biological Quality Elements, Implementation of Water Framework Directive”.

International Projects

CRUP NºA-4/08 “Influences of elevated CO2 concentrations on the remediation capacities of salt marshes” (Portuguese-German concerted action), coordinated by Professor Isabel Caçador (Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon) in cooperation with Professor Hans-Wenner Koyro (Institute of Plant Ecology, University of Gissen, Germany).
COST Action FA0901 “From Genes to Ecosystems: Putting Halophytes to Work.” coordinated by Prof. Tim Flowers (University of Sussex, UK).
COST Action TD1209 “European Information System for Alien Species.”, coordinated by Dr. Helen Roy (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK).
MicroB3 – Ocean Sampling Day coordinated by Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany and University of Oxford, UK, as site coordinator in 2014 and 2015 and as Member of the Analysis Consortium.
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